Friday, May 29, 2009

it's seven in the morning.

I had trouble sleeping last night because a bug bit me on the face. Thankgoodness it didn't eat my eye but it bit me right on my left cheek. I'm surprised the the swelling is gone down. Today i'll be going hiking/going to the beach with relatives. I must say, i'm quite excited!

so, over the past couple of days, i've been staying at my cousin Po-Ching's apartment. 
from the left:
Cousin Po-Ching, Irene, Jason, and my Sao Sao Claire

since i'm sort of behind on pictures.... 
my update here is kind of random.

On my pop's last day here in Taiwan, my dad thought it would have been a great idea to take the bus. 
i must say, it was quite an interesting experience. The bus driver just goes before you get a chance to sit down. 
i feel kind of bad for the grannys and gramps. =[

So, i guess we had a little family reunion from my mom's side.
back row from left:
roy (wayne's buddy), 2nd uncle, anne, 2nd aunt: taiwan mommy, me, mom, and wayne
bottom row from left:
1st uncle, 2nd uncle: taiwan daddy, and my pops.

at this restaurant, it was the first time i nibbled on kidney. ?!!?!??! 
hear that's expensive stuff but ehhh.. i'm really not into inner parts. =[

yesterday, well my yesterday, i got to hold my first baby!

alright, i'm getting a bit sleepy and my day hasn't started yet! 
i got out of bed at 6:30 this morning. ok, if it's not jetlag, what is it? 

here are some funny pictures to end this post. 
i guess my niece and nephew are really digging apple's photobooth. HAHA!

1 comment:

moocowbeef said...

oh man... cousin po-ching and fam!!! i miss them- irene and jason look a lot older than when i last saw them. you should ask irene to tell you about the apple vinegar drink that she likes. tehehehe.

glad you tried the kidney... next time i'm gonna make you try chicken hearts over here. bwahahaha. <3 getting up at 6:30am. wayyyyyy earlier than me this week. i've been lazy and getting up @ 6:35. =]