Thursday, May 21, 2009


why hello there!

If you are reading this as the first post, you are just about to follow me as I start my summer (which happened yesterday)! 

I've finished finals, moved out of my apartment, almost finished cleaning my room back here at home, and is just waiting for ALL my grades to be posted. Getting to hang out with my best friend yesterday was a great kick-off to begin my "vacation". However, only having three hours of sleep that night before really sucked since I was pretty much exhausted all day yesterday. I was out like a light at ten last night.

For the next couple of days, I'll be cleaning and packing so...

Come back in a week and I will try to post daily about my upcoming trip to Taiwan.
In this blogger, I will give you an inside peek of my life traveling to a place I haven't been to in nine years.

until next time....



d-vizz said...

Yay! New Blog!

e* said...


moocowbeef said...

sweet. so you better post up those food pictures.