Monday, June 15, 2009


so today, i searched high and low for painkillers. WHOA. i couldn't find anything. i've been having this headache ALL day.. ugggg. can you believe it? 7-11 sells cigarettes, toothbrushes, acne facewash, mascara, alcohol, meals, but no advil and that sort of thing. *tear* as most of you guys know, i have this bad habit of being dependent on my dearly loved pills.

it has been raining here almost everyday and so it's even more HUMID and HOT.

i want congratulate my beautiful sister birdie.. for officially finishing college! yayay!

so.. this past week...

i got to eat at Shenkeng.. which is famous for their stinky tofu. =p
i must admit, the s. tofu was actually pretty good. 0.0

here's chiang daddy, 2nd mommy and my mom. =]

we had chicken, soup, bamboo, spicy stinky tofu, and reg. stinky tofu.

not only did i have stinky tofu, i had tofu ice cream for the first time!
there was brown sugar, milk, burnt, sesame, and some other tofu flower thing.

i thought this parking garage thing was awesome! i think if held like 200 something cars. it rotates or something until your car shows up. the parking guy was laughing at me since he thought i was crazy or something. =\

shenkeng street

the guava here was super sweeeet.

i don't remember what day this was....

I don't have any pictures of my 2nd aunt or sao sao up but the night before i had to head back to my aunt's house on my mom's side, we ate dinner at shilin's night market. Our dessert was shaved ice. my mom and i had the mango one while my aunt and sao sao had the green tea and red bean on the side.

Mango shaved ice that i had with my 2nd aunt on my mom's side.
it's so hot here we have a lot of icy stuff. =p
Frankie: i think you had this before!

On friday last week, i went hiking with my mom, my rent's old coworker and her husband.
i got bitten TWICE and today, (my monday) it's still frikkin' red and itchy. what theee..
so we took the train to go hiking... out of taipei we went...

a creepy spider that's similar to a daddy long leg but has a BIGGER and LONGER body. shivers* (for my spider fans.)

water buffalo!

an asian snail. =p

looking out of the train station, waiting by the side since it was raining.

So, my mommy's birthday was on thursday and so we had shabu shabu (aka hot pot)
it was also my sen sen's birthday on saturday.. so we had a lil celebration.

here's my sen sen and ching.

me and my 2nd aunt (aka my 2nd mom)
do we look alike or what? sorta? kinda?

frankie: you've been here!
the chiang kai-shek memorial/conservatory of music thingy

my aunt was laughing how i wanted to take a picture with this fish.
this is a fish food machine. i actually just wanted to sit for a while and his tail was a perfect spot.
birdie: i know what you're thinking... of course i would take a picture with this fish. =p

the chiang kai-shek memorial

for my sen sen's birthday, we went out to eat and this is what we had....
frankie: sen sen said you haven't eaten here yet! the noodles were awesome.

after lunch, my mom and i decided to do a quickie visit to shilin. so off we went, without and umbrella to go visit my eldest aunt on my dad's side and grams.
shoot. it started to rain right when we were walking up to the hospital where my grams was staying.. but the time we got out.. it was POURING. i had no choice but to spend $75 taiwan dollars to buy those funky plastic rain jackets. i had the 7-11 lady take a quick picture of us before we quickly walked to my 2nd aunt's house on my dad's side.

frankie: i got to try mister donut.
birdie: remember the time you went to asia you bought like 10 donuts but forgot to bring them back? haha.
totally different kind of donuts from what we have...

this headache kills..
hey pops: you know what the cure for headaches and tummyaches are over here.. not asian herbs.. but red bean soup and chocolate.. WHAT THE!!!!!?????

miss you guys sooooo much.
was listening to MB's Home. =]
i'll be off to japan in a couple days. whooa... does time flies....

1 comment:

moocowbeef said...

i'll email you but great photos. thanks for the picturrrreees!!!