Tuesday, June 2, 2009

fourteen mosquito bites.


thankgoodness my aunty and uncle took me to see a dermatologist last night.
my left ankle is less swollen. and all the new bug bites that i've gotten haven't swelled like a loaf of bread.
however, now i have mosquito bites on BOTH my ankles. 
HAHA. i guess those buggers really like the blood at my feet. harharhar. 

today, after attending my cousin MongRong's ecological event, cousin Po-Ching dropped my mom and I off to Danshui (pronounced diluted water :)). There we tried to do some shopping!No fear.. i did buy some stuff. 

mommy was all trying to make bargains and stuff. HAHAH. it was kind of funny.

it was rainy today so my whole body that wasn't covered in clothing was all sticky and stuff. EWWW.

mommy saw a noodle soupy place and since she wanted to try it out.. we decided to take pictures while waiting for her food. =p 

this is what her noodles looked like. 
the chair that i was sitting on was kind of sticky. yikes! 
mom was all..  "get used to this! it makes the food taste better."
i immediately jumped out of my seat and she decided to say jk to make me feel better. =[

i couldn't resist NOT taking a picture with this gorilla thing.
i think this store was like a waxy/believe it or not kind of store..  i didn't go in since you had to buy a ticket.

i'm sooo not used to using a point and shoot camera.. i think they're only good for taking self-portrait snaps.

frankie & birdie: you're probably wondering what the heck did jobo buy......
(don't laugh.. >=|)
mommy really wanted me to get those japanese clogs. HAAHA! 
i saw some lady in a shop wear the ones on the right so i bought those..
i think a pair of shoes costed about $10 US. =P Great deal right?

so.. i had my clogs made. well, there was already the shoe size.. i just got to pick the color straps..
and the lady made my shoes in front of me. =p 

miss you guys! <3

1 comment:

moocowbeef said...

o wow. 14 eh? mosquitos = frankie not likey.

did you like danshui? it was one of my fav places to go. if you go back and look at my old blogs you can see the places that i check out in that town. when jen and i were there, we tried to do some bargaining too- rather successful because we got a massage thingy for cheapo.

glad you had a great day!