Friday, May 29, 2009

it's seven in the morning.

I had trouble sleeping last night because a bug bit me on the face. Thankgoodness it didn't eat my eye but it bit me right on my left cheek. I'm surprised the the swelling is gone down. Today i'll be going hiking/going to the beach with relatives. I must say, i'm quite excited!

so, over the past couple of days, i've been staying at my cousin Po-Ching's apartment. 
from the left:
Cousin Po-Ching, Irene, Jason, and my Sao Sao Claire

since i'm sort of behind on pictures.... 
my update here is kind of random.

On my pop's last day here in Taiwan, my dad thought it would have been a great idea to take the bus. 
i must say, it was quite an interesting experience. The bus driver just goes before you get a chance to sit down. 
i feel kind of bad for the grannys and gramps. =[

So, i guess we had a little family reunion from my mom's side.
back row from left:
roy (wayne's buddy), 2nd uncle, anne, 2nd aunt: taiwan mommy, me, mom, and wayne
bottom row from left:
1st uncle, 2nd uncle: taiwan daddy, and my pops.

at this restaurant, it was the first time i nibbled on kidney. ?!!?!??! 
hear that's expensive stuff but ehhh.. i'm really not into inner parts. =[

yesterday, well my yesterday, i got to hold my first baby!

alright, i'm getting a bit sleepy and my day hasn't started yet! 
i got out of bed at 6:30 this morning. ok, if it's not jetlag, what is it? 

here are some funny pictures to end this post. 
i guess my niece and nephew are really digging apple's photobooth. HAHA!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Day Two.


here's a picture of me before going into the terminal. 

it's actually 10 am right now? i'm pretty exhausted since i woke up at 4 this morning and tried going back to sleep until 7. Well, i got up and Cousin Po-Ching et Clarie avec Jason and Irene went to grab breakfast a couple blocks away from their very cute apartment. I had an egg thing which was quite interesting and good. After breakfast, we decided to go play at Irene and Jason's elementary school. ahhaha. For sure, it was the first time I had some exercise in some time.

I made pops take this picture while we were walking on the way to visit grams at the hospital.

Fu is in the process of building his own apartment and this is what's below!

i'll update more pictures later since i still have to load them into my computer. 


Tuesday, May 26, 2009

And it's hot and kind of musty here. =p


By the time you read this, I would have landed in Taiwan, gotten internet access to upload this post, and perhaps have gotten some sleep. It is currently 11:07 am and I am actually writing this post on the airplane since there’s nothing much happening and of course most of you guys know that I can’t sleep on airplanes, cars, anywhere that’s not my bed. Plus, it’s super loud here from the engine and who really can sleep in a jerking airplane.

I boarded my plane at around one Tuesday morning. Luckily, I got placed in the middle row by the aisle. YES! I do have easy access to the bathroom. I guess new planes are a whole lot different from the old ones since you get your own tv screen, remote (to control games, which movies you’d like to see), a notification in the front on the wall to tell you if the bathroom in your section is vacant or occupied.

Of course most of you guys know that airplane food is no good. However, since I haven’t had airplane food for nine years, and I was super hungry, I decided to devour what was in front of me. Well, I always get a bit famished if I stay up late and since they served food at round 2-3 in the morning, I decided to go for it. So, midnight snack turned out to be chicken, rice, green beans, with carrots (this is for Frankie ;)). I think on my flight back, I’ll have to try to BRING my own food because after eating that stuff (I didn’t finish all of it since it was kind of gross), of course my stomach would make the rumbly tumbly noise and totally screw over my ability to sit still (Birdie I know what you’re thinking and stop laughing!).

It’s interesting because all the flight attendants are all wearing a facemask. =D OH, there and tons of passengers wearing that same kind of mask too. I think I would be kind of suffocating wearing those things for what? 13 hours? Not including wait time at the airport!

I think I have a slight case of motion sickness. Ever since I got on the airplane, I’ve been having urges to either vomit, use the bathroom, or have in and out headaches.
  Just think, I’ll have to endure this again for another 11 hours when I fly back. I know 28 days is so far and I should just think about enjoying my month in asia but oh no… I think I had enough airplanes for a couple years.

I already dearly miss home and miss being on land. I don’t know if I should be saying this but I feel like I’m getting sick! Well.. other than the fact that I’m feeling like crap from the lack of sleep, dry eyes, and grosses of not being able to wash my face, the ac on this plane is freezing and I have a thin blanket around me to what? Keep me warm? Well, to be honest, it sure isn’t doing a heck of a lot.

If you guys saw what I looked like right now, you’d laugh. I believe my hair is sticking up from all static (I had to tie it down since I was feeling a bit weird having my hair look funky), my squinty eyes because of the dry air, and because of all this motion thing going on.

Well, I’m about done with this airplane thing and ready to step into another world (well to me), and explore.

Toodles. <3

Thursday, May 21, 2009


why hello there!

If you are reading this as the first post, you are just about to follow me as I start my summer (which happened yesterday)! 

I've finished finals, moved out of my apartment, almost finished cleaning my room back here at home, and is just waiting for ALL my grades to be posted. Getting to hang out with my best friend yesterday was a great kick-off to begin my "vacation". However, only having three hours of sleep that night before really sucked since I was pretty much exhausted all day yesterday. I was out like a light at ten last night.

For the next couple of days, I'll be cleaning and packing so...

Come back in a week and I will try to post daily about my upcoming trip to Taiwan.
In this blogger, I will give you an inside peek of my life traveling to a place I haven't been to in nine years.

until next time....